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What’s the most important thing for nurses to know about working with people with addictions in acute care?

Housing crisis fuels homelessness and increases need for helping people where they are

By Carina Zhu
June 19, 2024

This video is part of the Canadian Nurse series, Harm Reduction Saves Lives.

Carina Zhu is a registered nurse in Lethbridge, Alberta, who works casually with a mobile overdose prevention service and the Opioid Dependency Program, both with Alberta Health Services. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate at the University of Calgary. She is passionate about understanding health and health care within structures that privilege one group or the care of one group over others.

Canada is experiencing a toxic drug crisis. Since 2016, over 40,000 people who use drugs have died in Canada because of the toxic unregulated drug supply — the equivalent of 22 people dying each day. There are a lack of evidence-based policies around drug use, perpetuating the failed “war on drugs” policies across the country. Learn how a harm reduction approach can help.
